We have showed our peers our second rough cut in order to gain some feedback. This is what they said:
Some shots need more lighting - There is some shots of the narrative where it is hard to see some of the props, making it difficult tick depict the storyline. We are going to resolve this by re-shooting the scenes that are too dark and replace them with the new shots. Some shots are too long - Some of the shots in the second rough cut last too long and on screen it really makes the video drag. We are going to resolve this problem by editing more shots into the video so that it picks up the pace and cuts to the beat.
Some shots are too similar - Alot of the performance shots included in the rough cut are at the same angle and look very similar. The issue with this is mainly timing, we ran out of time to add more various shots into the video before the deadline. In our final edit we plan to include alot more of the footage that we shot in the video.